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Welcome to L.O.V.E. PODS

What are L.O.V.E. PODS?

This is a technology developed by the 1st Nations, originally designed for the purpose of bringing Internet connectivity to the Reservations. Indigenous communities have suffered from a lack of infrastructure, especially Internet, and even when some options are available, lower-income people struggle to afford connectivity due to prices. Lack of adequate technology, faulty connections, and underfunded broadband projects contributed to the 65.2% of households in First Nations reserves (in Canada) that did not have access to the universal service. According to Alberta’s 2022 Broadband Strategy, 80 per cent of Indigenous communities do not have internet access at the target speeds.
To resolve that issue, a brilliant technologist and engineer, who is also a Chief of one of the 1st Nations, has worked for a decade with an amazing team to design and implemented the technologies that now allow for the release of these individual Internet Pods. 

Using Mobile Phones

Our L.O.V.E.
Satellite POD

Stay Safe, Stay Prepared, and Stay Connected!
  1. The PODS utilize the 4G Emergency Network called FirstNet, which is prioritized for emergency communications and is the last internet to go down, ensuring reliable connectivity for essential services even when other networks fail.

  2. The Pods can connect to satellite networks when needed, allowing them to maintain internet access in remote areas or situations where ground-based networks are disrupted.

  3. They automatically connect to the strongest available signal across multiple carriers and transport systems, improving resilience and ensuring you stay connected during emergencies.

  4. The mesh network design allows Pods to share internet resources, so if one user has a weak signal, a stronger signal from another Pod can be utilized to improve connectivity. So in emergency situations or areas with limited infrastructure, the L.O.V.E. Pods provide a robust and adaptable solution for maintaining critical internet and communication capabilities. 

L.O.V.E. Baby Pods Are Ready to Order





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Get Your POD Today

A Must Have For Your Preparedness Kit

All These L.O.V.E. Pods Features:​

  • Satellite Assisted when no Service Carrier is available.

  • Turns your Regular Cell Phone into a Sat Phone!

  • Private & Secure Internet Access

  • Fits in your Pocket or Purse

  • DO NOT capture or sell your data.

  • Blockchain Encrypted End-To-End Connection

  • Up to 300 Foot radius.

  • Speed: 12 MBPS to 300 MBPS depending on your location.

  • More Pods creates the L.O.V.E. “MESH” network for faster internet connection

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We welcome you during this time of the
Great Awakening!


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1 Freedom Drive,

Turtle Island,


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